Our Sites

Birbirsa Kojowa Site

Our coffee processing site is located in the district of Birbirsa Kojowa, Oromia region, West Guji zone, particularly in the Birbirsa wordea. We boast of high quality washed coffee, having an average production capacity of 1,000,000 KG that we deliver to our esteemed customers. Further, we are proud to declare that we employ 8 permanent and 200 temporary employees, thus serving and contributing value to the local economy and community. Our quality and sustainability concerns form the nucleus of all our activities

Dimtu Site

Our next coffee site is located in the countryside of the Dimtu district, Oromia region, West Guji zone, more precisely in Hambella Wamena wordea, and this is dedicated time for the processing of exquisite Natural Dry coffee

Buku Abel Site

The serene landscapes of Buku Abel district in the heart of the Oromia region form the West Guji zone. Our prime coffee grows in the evergreen beauty of Hambella Wamena wordea. We only process Natural Dry Coffee using traditional methods that unleash the full spectrum of flavors. This is our platform to serve our industry with quality and sustainability. Beyond coffee, we pride in being a catalytic agent of community development while offering 5 permanent staff jobs and creating employment for 125 temporary workers. In attaining this, with limitless dedication to excellence and empowerment, it is not just incomparable coffee that we grow but also the growth and prosperity of the community as a whole.

Buku Saysa Site

Our coffee site is set right in the middle of the picturesque scenery of the Buku Saysa district in the Oromia region, ranging like a gem to the natural dry-coffee-processing artistry. Having quite an impressive average production capacity of about 250,000 kilograms, we stand by techniques that nurture molding coffee using this traditional method, rich in flavor and taste. This indeed is a commitment beyond coffee, for we are proud to offer employment opportunities to 5 permanent staff members and 100 temporary workers, thus empowering the community to ensure economic growth with top quality and sustainability.

Benti Nenka Site

At the heart of picturesque landscapes lies the Benti Nenka district, in the West Guji zone of Oromia region. Our lower equity share sites stand for tradition and excellence. We proudly handle ourNatural Dry with meticulous processing through time-honored methods that extract rich flavors of complexity, using idyllic Hambella Wamena wordea. High production capacity at our site—averaging 240,000 kilograms—demonstrates the definition of quality and sustainability in this instance within the industry. We are proud to be underpinning local economic development by way of offering employment opportunities through which we engage 4 permanent staff members and 150 temporary workers. For the best growth of outstanding coffee and community empowerment, we have constantly striven, with much emphasis put on prosperity growth in the region.

Bishan Fugu Site

Our favorite and prime coffee-processing site is Hambella-Wamena’s Coffee Processing Site, serving meticulously done Natural Dry coffee from the beautiful district of Bishan Fugu in the West Guji zone, Oromia region, with an average production capacity of 280,000 kilograms. We are committed to delivering quality and sustainability at world standards. We are equally proud to be a catalyst for local economic development by offering meaningful work to some 5 permanent and 142 seasonal employees. It’s because of our unwavering dedication to quality coffee and community empowerment that our role in growing and developing this region will definitely be consolidated.

Foge Site

Located in the picturesqque Foge district of the Oromia region, within West Guji zone and Abaya wordea, lies our highly regarded coffee processing site. The care given towards the production of Natural Dry amounts to an average output capacity of 150,000 kilograms while maintaining the highest possible standard of quality and sustainability. But besides, we are very proud to be a promoter of local economic development, supplying an important source of employment for 5 permanent staff members and 130 temporary workers. Together, we believe that living up to our ideals—extraordinary coffee and empowered communities—will create growth and prosperity in the region as it stands firm against challenges.

Dekitu Site

The very seductive Dekitu district in Oromia, where we are located in West Guji Zone and in Hambella Wamena Wordea one of our processed sites is dedicated to the meticulous processing of Natural Dry. With an average production capacity of 250,000 kilograms, we strive to ensure conformity to the best quality and sustainability practices relevant in business. Complementing our desire to serve great coffee is our passion for empowered communities. This involves ensuring that there is employment for our 4 permanent staff and 148 seasonal employees. Keeping focused on the pursuit of excellence and local economic development optimises our presence in making a difference in the region and beyond

Yirgacheffe Chelchelle Site

One of our prime coffee-processing sites is located in the breathtaking congressman of Yirgacheffe Chelchelle, South Ethiopia, where we are proud to produce washed with utmost care: Gedeo, Gedeb Woreda. We are proud of our impediment to attain the highest standards of quality and sustainability within this industry that is facilitated by a strong average production capacity of 700 000 kilograms. Hand in hand with our pursuit of incomparable coffee excellence is community empowerment, meaning the offer of valued employment to 8 permanent and 190 temporary personnel. This way, it becomes very important that bringing out excellence and economic development at the local level itself can make a difference within this region and beyond.